
5 Tips to Keep Your Child Away from Online Trash

Browsing through my Facebook news feed these past few days has irked me. It even came to a point that my status sounded really annoyed.

My Facebook Appeal: Stop pornography in FB!

It just got into my nerves that something as amazing as Facebook is being used by individuals who do not have anything better to do. Apparently, the social network has been hacked with viruses containing porn links. In addition to that, there are a number of Pinoy groups that contain sexual content. With these types of vulgar content easily accessible online, it really is alarming most especially for parents like me. 

SJ intently watching an online video
(with my supervision, of course!)

How can a parent be sure that when his child surfs the net, only decent sites are visited? Below are some pointers on how to keep your child safe from distasteful online material:

1. Install a filtering software in the PC being used by your child. You can easily set which websites are to be blocked. At the same time, there are even routers, such as the Cisco Linksys E1000, which can perform content control.

2. If you allow your child to use your mobile device such as an iPad, check the setting and make sure to disable the internet browsing capability. In addition, refrain from installing any video viewing apps such as YouTube. These safeguards would avoid accidental access of adult sites.

JF checking out an online game

3. Remember that you are the boss. Be in agreement with your child regarding computer use. It would be best that you lay out the terms and conditions as to when would be the appropriate time to go online. Also make it crystal clear that surfing the net should primarily be for school work.

4. PCs should be placed in common areas of the house wherein parents could see what the child is up to. Supervision towards his online tasks should not be neglected.

5. As a general rule, having an open communication between parent and child is recommended. Explain to your child the dangers when an individual surfs the net. Not only should you warn your kid regarding pornography but also about other cyber crimes and downloading of viruses disguised as useful apps.

Computer/ Internet Use with Parental Supervision

In this day and age, the internet is an indispensable part of our lives. It is undeniable that it made our lives better and easier. Having said this, being able to protect our children from potential online danger is a part of our parental duty whether you like it or not. And I'd say, you better LIKE it.


Sweepz said...

I like the adult supervision. That's what I'm doing now. I give conditions to them whenever they browse on the internet. Good thing, they stay either on tetris battle via facebook or adventure quest.

Bambie Bernardo-Buen said...

It's great to know you are starting your boys young with regards to discipline. Mahirap na pabayaan ang bata especially when they are already in their teens. Hindi na yan matututong sumunod. We, as parents, really have a big responsibility to raise our kids properly and I know you are doing a good job at it., Sweepz! :)

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