
5 Steps to Raise Polite Kids

It is always nice to hear the word "please" when someone asks a favor from you. At the same time, hearing "thank you!" is equally delightful. Undoubtedly, everyone loves a polite individual. And I, as a mama, acknowledge the fact that it is my duty to raise polite kids since this endearing virtue will eventually be carried on to adulthood.

Be conscious to practice politeness at all times.
photo by Michal Marcol

Not only do we assume the parent role but we also need to be our kids' personal Values Education tutor. As the popular idiom goes, you can't teach an old dog new tricks that is why we have to start them young with courteous ways. Now, the question is... How do we instill this respectful character to our kids? 

Below are some pointers on how to shape your child into a well-mannered individual:

1. Be generous with compliments.

Once you notice that your little one did something courteous, acknowledge it. Praise your child for being a good boy or a good girl. Giving compliments and expressing your joy will leave a mark to your child's memory that you were pleased with the good deed, therefore, this should be repeated over and over again.

2. Differentiate the right from the wrong.

Children are generally clueless as to what is right and wrong. Help them determine which of their words or actions are respectful and which are rude. In addition, make it a point to let them understand why such gesture is offensive to someone else.

3. Rude is rude. Period.

Do not accept any reason in order to justify your child's rudeness. At the same time, do not let the instance of impoliteness pass you by. As soon as you realize that your child behaved improperly let him know at that instant that it is not acceptable. Also, keep in mind that it does not end in reprimanding your kid since you still need to teach him how to act appropriately.

4. Be the perfect role model.

Children usually mimic whatever they see or hear, regardless if it is right or wrong. Therefore, it is also a part of your responsibility to be polite since your kid will emulate how you deal with other people. If you want your child to be respectful, show him what respect is all about.

5. Bond, bond and bond some more.

Let your child know how much he means to you by bonding regularly. Some youngsters are just acting out their impoliteness because that is the only way to get their parents' attention. Avoid giving the impression that you are an absentee parent. Make your child feel that he is indeed a very important part of your life.

Nobody can do a better job of instilling politeness to your child other than you.

I am 101% sure that every parent wants a polite child. Molding your kid into a loving and respectful person is definitely one of the most challenging goals of parenthood. Generation after generation, every parent has this arduous duty to raise polite kids. Yes, it's undeniably true. Politeness certainly never goes out of style.


Baby Cries said...

child is a precious gift for parents.five points which are mention above is a great option to love their child. i really like it.

Bambie Bernardo-Buen said...

I am glad that you liked the post, Baby Cries. Thanks for reading.

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