
How to Keep a Great Yaya

For working moms like me, the assistance of a nanny or a yaya is essential. Sometimes, even a full-time mom appreciates the presence of this assistant by her side. Given all the demands of the little one, the joint efforts of this mom-and-yaya team would make child care considerably easier.

5 months and going stronger: SI and Ate G

It's true it is hard to find a yaya. However, it is harder to keep a great yaya. So just like in true love, once you find the right one, never let the person go. Aside from the yaya striving to impress you, also strive to keep a harmonious relationship from your end. Below are some tips to avoid having misunderstandings and disagreements with your assistant:

1. Explain how you want your child to be taken cared of.

Even if you hired an experienced yaya, anticipate that you will still have problems if you fail to explain your expectations. If that would mean that you need to go over the basics such as changing the diaper or preparing a bottle of formula milk, go ahead. You need to make everything clear so that when you're away you'll still feel secure that you're child is well taken cared of.

2. Lay out the house rules.

Filipino parents usually prefer a stay-in yaya. Since your baby-sitter will live with you in the same house, you need to lay out what is acceptable and what isn't in your household. Let her know which appliances she can use. On a day-off, she should abide with the curfew time. Also let her know if visits from relatives and friends will be an issue for you. 

3. Keep the communication lines open.

Openly communicating with your yaya is important. Since majority of your child's waking time is spent with the caregiver, she is the best person to provide information regarding the baby's daily health. It would also be desirable if your yaya would not hold back any information concerning your child (i.e. if your child tripped, bumped his head, etc.). Tell her that you can be buzzed any time in case there's an accident.

4. What are the things that you just can't stand?

In order to avoid disagreements, list down the things that you simply can not tolerate. Smoking, using foul language, watching TV while taking care of the baby are just some no-nos that you might not be able to stand.  Giving a clear definition of your dislikes will definitely push your yaya to avoid what irks you.

5. Have a substitute on stand-by.

There are instances wherein your yaya might need to go back to her province. If she is the dream caregiver, you simply want her back. Tell her that the job is still waiting for her, but in the meantime, a substitute will pitch in temporarily. She might also recommend someone who can help out.

SI and mama

Child care is a serious matter that is why having a yaya around is definitely a great help. Make sure your nanny understands what you want her to accomplish in order to avoid disagreements. Keep in mind that a great mom-and-yaya team-up will not only make baby-sitting a breeze but it assures you of nothing less but excellent care for your baby.

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